
Friends build Bug Hotel in Chelsea Gardens

Friends build Bug Hotel in Chelsea Gardens

IMG_0887Thanks to a grant from the Peoples Postcode lottery, the Friends have completed a large3f6cea7f4eed2f94cf0dead2f17df9e5e62335a0 bug hotel within the grounds of the Chelsea Gardens. The structure will be of immense benefit to the flora in the Sensory Garden and provide food
and shelter for a vast variety of bugs and insects, including Ladybirds, solitary Bees, Spiders, harmless Wood wasps, woodlice, moths and many more.
Approximately 2 metres high and 2 metres across the “hotel” is made of timber and infilled with a variety of decayIMG_0973ing wood, leaves, broken pottery and other natural detritus that small
creatures like to live in and around. There is an interesting interpretation board that  small groups of supervised children can interact with to see what they can find out about the wildlife that the hotel and the surrounding stumpery will generate.