Our two very colourful gorillas were a great attraction in the Park over the summer period and into the autumn last year but with the onset of winter they had to go back home for a little TLC. This year our friends at the British Ironworks Centre offered us the opportunity of having two giraffes on a similar loan basis and these have now been delivered and installed in the Chelsea Gardens.
Home for these wonderful sculptures is of course the British Ironwork Centre on the A5 just outside Oswestry run by a great team of people led by Clive Knowles the Chairman and founder. It’s a truly magical place and a really great day out for all the family. The grounds are populated with an amazing variety of metal animals – elephants, rhinos, hippos, monkeys, horses, gorillas, buffalo – all life-sized and amazingly life-like. And the extensive displays inside the buildings provide more amazing sculptures and other items, many of which are available for purchase for your garden or as a truly unique gift for someone special.
The pictures here will give you a flavour of what the centre has to offer but you can get full details, including events and activities such as Falconry displays on their own web site . The centre is both child and dog-friendly and is open from 9 am to 530 pm during the week (to 5 pm on Friday) and from 10am to 4 pm on Sundays
The Friends have made a number of visits in the course of arranging the loan of the animals and we’ve be greatly impressed by what the centre has to offer by way of interest and by the friendliness of the staff. And amazingly it’s all free – free entry and free car parking.