Great news, the Friends of Telford Town Park are currently part of the ASDA Green Token scheme in the Town Centre store. This scheme is part of ASDA’s Community Life
programme which provides funding for local charities and good causes nominated by customers and staff. This year will see a £1 million pound investment by the ASDA Foundation to support over 10,000 charities and good causes across the country. The Friends of Telford Town park are delighted to be one of those.
All you have to do is grab a handful of tokens every time you check out at ASDA and pop them into our box on your right as you head away from the tills. We should receive a cash sum for just being in the scheme but if we receive the most tokens, then the award will be much higher. So get along to ASDA and grab your tokens. Don’t wait to be given them as you will not get any, just take some from the box by the tills.
This scheme is only on for a limited time, so don’t delay, do it today !
Thank you for your support. Every penny received will be invested in supporting and improving our Town park.