The Friends of Telford Town Park have lodged a formal objection to the plans to build a new 68 bedroomed 4 storey hotel on the open space fronting the new Southwater lake – see artist’s impression to the left
Lucy Allen the local MP has also call on the Council to reconsider its plans. She says “Southwater is a fantastic development and has been a great addition to the town centre. I am however concerned that further development could spoil what is a unique and valued space. Striking the right balance between development and open space is critical and I am concerned that further development of multi storey buildings risks tipping the scales towards over-development. Landscaping this space may make for a more attractive environment than another restaurant and hotel.”.
FOTTP members took the view that a 4 story hotel would be out of keeping with immediate area and would destroy the view across to the Town Park over the existing grass area and the lake. If you share this view please consider submitting a comment to the council. You can find full details, including plans, at…/pa-documents-plans-public.a…