Membership Application 2023/24


    • Meet new friends
    • Enjoy the fresh air
    • Do a satisfying task
    • Enjoy unique discounts
    • Aid recovery from illness
    • Help enhance the Town Park
    • Learn about the history and ecology of the park
    • No experience necessary – free training if required

    We have two types of membership:

    1. FULL.
    No membership fee. This type of membership commits you to a minimum of 12 hours help a year or helping at a minimum of three events a year or a combination of both. This excludes normal monthly meetings. This membership carries certain benefits which may include unique discounts for the Town Park Adventure Golf, Drinks at the Park Café, the Holiday Inn leisure club, Littlefords Garden Centre, Eat in at Crystal Cup cakes Dawley, 15% off branded FOTTP clothing and other great offers which may be available from time to time.
    Please note that once your membership application has been approved we will ask you to provide a passport style photo for your membership card.
    2. SUPPORTER. No membership fee or commitment of any kind but we would ask for a donation and you will be placed on our mailing list for information about events etc. This membership does NOT include the discount scheme.
    NOTE: There are no upper or lower age limits, except that if under 16 years of age you must be accompanied by an appropriate adult who is also a FULL member. As a SUPPORTER member you will need your parent’s permission if under 16.


    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone (required)

    How did you hear of us

    Your Address (required)

    Please tick the relevant boxes

    FULL MEMBERSHIP: I wish to apply for full membership. I confirm that i am over 16 years of age and I will give a minimum of 12 hours help during the year or help with 3 FOTTP events or activities. I have read and agreed with the aims of the friends and the terms and conditions relating to membership. If I decide to leave the Friends at any time I agree to return any clothing or equipment loaned to me by the Friends

    SUPPORTER MEMBERSHIP: I regret I am unable to help during the current year but I wish to make a donation and to become a ‘supporter member’. Please keep me on the mailing list

    GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATIONS 2018 We will use your data to record your membership of the Friends of Telford Town Park, to manage your membership and to communicate with you regarding FOTTP related activities that may be of interest to you. You are entitled to know what information we hold about you on request and also to have that information erased if you so desire. We will never sell or release your data to third parties. If you are happy for us to use your data on this basis please enter tick this box