
Arena Fields in trust status marked

The arena area of Telford Town Park was awarded Fields in trust status earlier this year and became one of the Queen Elizabeth II Fields in Trust – a status which provides avery high level of open space protection  in perpetuity. The Friends of Telford Town Park have long argued that the area should be protected from development and and as part of this have  submitted 3 separate, detailed applications for Village Green status over the past 6 years. It was as a direct response to the third application that the Fields in Trust status was suggested and the Friends accepted this as a suitable alternative. A plaque commemorating the grant of the FIT status  was unveiled  on 19th July 2012 and the picture shows members of the Friends with Angela Lewis of Fields in trust and   and  the deputy mayor of telford Councillor Leon Murray. The plaque can be found at the top of the steps leading from the war memorial down into the Arena.